Thursday, 20 March 2008

SOUL lunch for 25

It's Easter, Eostre, Samhain (here in the Southern Hemi).. whatever it is you celebrate at this time of the year... and like Christmas, it's essentially a Christian holy-day that most people celebrate in an increasingly secular way.

Most Easters in our house mean a trip to Dromana where Furry and I have our wee shack, and also my family has its holiday house, dating back to 1967. Usually we catch up, do an Easter egg hunt for the kiddies and then go out to lunch somewhere as a family. Memorable outings have been the Cape Schanck Country Club, but last years visit to the Safety Beach Golf Club left us all with a bad taste in the mouth. This is a family that consumes my darling mother's Cat's Vom Stew, but even people with taste buds ruined by that particular dish baulked at the swill that was served last year.
So this year, now that the oven is up and running, I have offered to have all the fam to our house. About 25 people all up.

And this is my challenge to myself..

I am going to do a lunch based, as much as I can, on SOLE.

I have ordered my smoked ham and bacon from Coolart Smokehouse (8 Erramosa Road, Somerville, ph: 5977 5733) who source all their beasts from a single sourced free range herd in Hastings.

I am off to the farmers market on Sat morning for the last of the season's tommies, capsicums and asparagus (if I'm lucky)

My sources have yet to find a mushroom supplier down on the MP, but I hold out great hopes of my Greek friends knowing where to get some.

A quick trip to the organic shop on Cape Schanck Road for some free range googie eggs and a few other titbits.

And home via Red Hill Cheesery for some fetta and cheddar

Shopping SOLE-y AND having a lovely relaxing drive at the same time!

Now... if someone can tell me where to get SOLE pizza bases or pita breads, so I don't have to make my own dough I'll be a happy camper!


other wife said...

Hi Darling,
Happy easter and good luck with lunch. Where was my invite? Look forward to hearing and seeing pics of the menu. Guess who!!!