Last night, fellow blogger and all round funny guy, Thanh, from "I Eat Therefore I Am", popped up to Proud Peacock Vietnamese restaurant in GW for a quick bite.
I told Thanh that I new a lovely young SINGLE Vietnamese girl who ran a resto, so what male, single foodie WOULDN"T jump at the chance to hang out with Furry and I, and also check out some luuuurve ack-shawn???
Proud Peacock
Ph: (03) 9560 6661; shop 6, 53 Kingsway, Glen Waverley 3150I freely admit I am an inveterate match maker. It's the wog in me. Along with telling Thank he was **insert elderly Greek lady accent** "too skinny", I also told him he was about to meet the mother of his children.
Well, imagine Thanh's suprise when we walked into the resto, and this delightful young woman walks up to him and says "Hi!! apparently we're getting married and making pg and Furry lots of babies".
Ummmm, yeah.. we'd kinda... maybe mentioned Thanh to her. Maybe.
To the food.
I apologise for the quality of the photo's, but Thanh and I had shared a bottle of THIS before we headed up to the resto, so most of the photos were a bit dodgy.
The Proud Peacock (the restaurant, not Thanh!), is a little hole in the wall, in The Kingsway, GW. Formica tables, concrete floor, a few posters of Vietnam on the walls. In short, MY kinda place. The food is hearty, simple, made by Mum and Dad out the back, and the portions are huge. And it's cheap. Under $50 for the three of us.
We ordered a plate of bai cuon, spring rolls and goi cuon, and everything came out with a huge plate of various dipping sauces and condiments.

goi cuon (shrimp rolls)

dipping sauces:

My pho:

I didn't manage to get a decent shot of what Furry and Thanh ordered, as hunger overrode my command not to eat until I'd taken a pic, and all the photos were blurry action shots.
A complimentary fruit platter, complete with warm gulag jalmuns completed our meal!

Thanh won't be blogging much over the next few months, as he'll be off awoo-ing and making Auntie PG and Uncle Furry lots of beautiful Vietnamese/Chinese babies to play with.
I'm wearing purple to the wedding.
What about you??
Very cute, are all the Melbourne bloggers invited to the wedding?? I am a red girl mystel so maybe I will wear red!! Vida x
Auntie Vida!!!
Red will be stunning!!
And we'll all argue over who gets to babysit the kids!!
No need for arguing, we can take turns or do it together, we just need them to have twins, that's all!!! Vida x x x
One thing's for sure if you had the bloggers catering the wedding, you'd never starve and at least half of it would be dessert.
Thanks PG and Furry so such a great night. I seriously had so much fun, it should be illegal on a weekday. I think the wine may have had a little to do with that.
I hope to catch up with you guys much more, seeing as we live so close and I go to Glen Waverley all the time.
Please let me know if you do go to the holiday house. I would really love to come if I have time.
Thanks again for paying for me too. I need to bring some cakes next time we meet.
Sounds like my kinda place too. DEFINITELY need places like this out my side of town.
There is a gorgeous little vietnamese place in West End, Brisbane that I just adore, just like the place you went to. It's not flash but the food is great and cheap. For $30 Chopper and I can stuff ourselves and feel utterly satisfied.
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