Today at 14.44 this day, one year ago, I pressed "publish" on my first blog post. Weirdly, the very first word, I ever typed as a blogger was "Furry"! It was originally designed to document the building on My Big Fat Greek Oven, as there was nothing like it that I had been able to find on the 'Net.
Since then, I've posted 165 times, documented my soul-mates tranformation from bogan boi to kitchen whizz, given my entire family of origin (highly unsatisfactory!) "internet names", changed the layout of this place three times, attended a Bloggers Banquet, hosted a Bloggers banquet, been part on an Internet meme, promoted causes that are dear to me and met some of the most amazing, opiniated, loud, funny, brilliant food obsessed people in Australia.
I've written about sex with vegetables, reviewed restaurants, and been interviewed by manistram media twice.
I've become an advocate of SOLE in the suburbs, and discovered obscure Chilean bakeries.
I've made $30 from Google and had 31,487 page views.
Personally I'd like to shout out to Sticky and Grocer, my two SOLE sistas, Possumchops for her help with vegetable sex, Vida for becoming my on-line mother, Gobbler for his inspirational writing style, Cindy and Michael for overcoming Furry's revulsion of tofu, Thanh for the laughs, Ed for NOT publishing my quote about the Mull-O-Matic, Duncan for the single most memorable food experience of my life, and far too many other people to mention.
All as a result of this funny little corner of cyber space.
Thank you dear reader, for keeping me going.. for commenting and finding me funny/annoying/inspirational/an idiot.
The next year will bring who knows what, but I promise more irreverance, more bad typos, more suburban SOLE, more than $30 on Google clicks(hopefully), more frivolity.
Basically just more P.G!
Thanks for dropping by!
Congrats P.G. - looking forward to another year of fun!! Vida x
Great work PG. It was great to have met you and Furry. You two are a barrel of laughs.
Is it only a year? Wow. You've done so much! Keep the fun, chuckles, tasties and inspiration coming. Good on you PG. (Oh, and may the Google clicks be with you.)
Biggies going out to the Purple Goddess Massive, R E S P E C T !
Sorry to go all Ali G on you PG, well done & happy birthcake.
Happy blog birthday, PG! Love your work. :)
I had no idea of Furry's prior tofu-phobia - I assumed we were meeting the fully formed renaissance man! ;-) We're chuffed to play a bit part in his dietary makeover.
Happy blogiversary, PG! I'm looking forward to another year of sassy suburban SOLE.
It could have ben the butchers I work for who gave the Mull-O-Matic the chop. i missed the post about sex with veggies and will just search that out. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday SOLE sista
well done PG!
chuffed to be a SOLE sista and even more pleased to have your friendship.
Happy first blogbirthday PG!
Keep the inspiration coming..
Congratulations PG! Happy 1st Anniverary.
Happy 1st anniversary to you and well done! If I recall, the sex with vegetables thing was more about artificial insemmination, highly unsatisfactory from a man's point of view!!!
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