Youngest son has recently started playing Rugby League and Union for the Craigieburn Phoenix. It's a small, grass roots club with ties to the local constabulary. It also has a netball and a basketball team. It's a fabulous, family-oriented club, and we're looking for sponsorship. We've got some uniforms for next year, but our First Aid box needs some supplies, and we need some sports bags for transport of sporting goods.
The BBQ, which travels to every game, and supplies all our players, families and opponents with burgers, snags and onions, is also pretty bloody dodgy
Craigieburn Phoenix.
Phenix \Phe"nix\, n.; pl. {Phenixes}. [L. phoenix, Gr. foi^nix.]
[Written also {phoenix}.]
1. (Gr. Myth.) A bird fabled to exist single, to be consumed
by fire by its own act, and to rise again from its ashes.
Hence, an emblem of immortality.On May 19 2008 a dream was manifested into the realm of reality.
A desire to have our own rugby league club in Craigieburn was born.
Contact was made on 21 May 2008 with Victorian Rugby League with a view to entering teams in the Junior VRL competition for 2009.
Hume City Council were approached to obtain an oval for home games and training purposes on 20 May 2008.
A request for a quote from Kombat to supply uniforms was sent on May 21 2008.
A meeting was held on 25 May 2008 to gauge parent and player support, over 30 people attended, an adhoc comittee of one - Steven Tapatu - was nominated to take our RLC to the next level.
A second meeting will be held in June/July 2008, details will be posted at a later date.
Sponsorship letters are in the pipeline.
Applications for funding from the Hume City Council for 2009 are being readied for submission, closing date 31 May 2008.
The Phoenix was chosen because it is a symbol of courage, perseverance and immortality, attributes we will endeavour to bestow upon our members through, discipline, cooperation, teamwork and positive thinking.
I look forward to seeing you and your child in the near future.
Steven Tapatu

We're not looking for a corporate stadium(yet), just a hand with the expenses associated with setting up a grass-roots sports club.
Individual donations can be made via Paypal to
or sponsorship queries can be made to Steven at
I know, under the current economic conditions, it might seem hard, but every little bit helps, and please feel free to pass this on to any business you might feel could give us a helping hand.
Hey PG, you've been tagged for an award by moi. Do come by and have a look.
Hi I am new to your blog and I just wanted to say how much I’m loving it
Thanks Sorina... It's a labour of love..
And Giff, my love, my sweet , my pet.. I haven't forgotton about those boots... just other things on my mind right now.
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