Of course, while packing for said jaunt, I forgot the camera, but what we came home with was a Jindi brie full wheel for $21!!
The stuff they sell at Slaveway for $41,639.72 a gm, was a whole $21 a FULL ROUND!
In Rosedale, I picked up Maffra Red Cheese with Dargo walnuts, Maffra extra tasty with lemon myrtle and some local olive oil and some local white wine vinegar. Furry talked me out of the Tetsuya's truffle salt at $36 for 50g.

Into my $500 post (called so because Furry found it while we were cleaning out a friend's father's house, after he was placed in a Nursing Home, and we found $500 secreted away in it!), I put my sliced Thorpdale potatoes,some yellow capsicums from this weeks Aussie Farmer's delivery, some grated Maffra tasty, some red onions from the Yarragon Farmer's Market, mixed with sour cream, some milk and 4 eggs. I covered the top with dots of butter and some Burramine Blue, the cheese that won the DIAA Victorian Dairy Product Silver medal this year, that I picked aup at the Jells Park Farmer's market.

I like to slow cook my bangers. I got these from my local butcher.. Beef and Burgundy snags, made on the premises, from Cardinia beef. I am blessed to have a cast-iron pan, that I have used religiously for the past 23 years, and it is perfectly seasoned. A quick spray with some Canola oil, and I whack the bangers in and set the gas ring to the lowest setting. Every so often I give the pan a shake, so the bangers don't stick and voila! about 35-40 min later, perfectly browned snags! Serve with the baked tattie dish, and a good hearty red, and all is right with the world, on a cold Sunday night!

Those cheeses sound fab. How I'm going to get them in the UK is another matter, but I'll improvise.
Bangers is straightly forwards, but that version of taters sounds marvellous. I usually do new potatoes with chopped leeks, onion and garlic fried gently in olive oil.
You're right, it's a fab meal when it's nippy aht!
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