So, this weekend past, I took myself for some much needed R&R, up to the Dandenongs. For those of you, dear readers, who don't live in Melbourne, the Dandenongs are a series of mountains just outside Melbourne, about 20 mins for where we live. They are dotted with picturesque little towns, filled with quaint little nooks and crannies. It's a Melbourne institution to take a Sunday drive to the Dandenongs and just potter.
Which is what Furry and I did on Sunday. And a random turn in the road bought us to the tiny little hamlet of Kallista.
Where I found the shop of my dreams.
Vintage Cookbooks. **insert sound of Heavenly seraphim singing** Possibly the most high-voltage awesome book shop in the Universe.
You can pick up a First Ed of Elizabeth David's "A Book of Mediterranean Food", or browse through every Woman's Weekly Cookbook ever printed. Check out the photography on the 1960 ed of "America's Best Vegetable Recipes".
My personal fave from the catalogue? a 1927 First Ed of Morton Shand's "A Book of Food" in which he describes venison as "unpleasantly rich, rank and slimy to the taste"!
Or Mimi Sheraton's 1965 ed of "The Seducer's Cookbook", which I suspect might be a blueprint for a "Carry On" movie.
If you're a fan of sites like The Gallery of Regrettable Food, then ask owner, Barbara Russell to show you her cookbooks from the 60's with the pineapple and lurid green jelly roll. (Which I suspect Mater Beige used to cook)
Vintage Cookbooks has a site here and Barbara is blogging about her love affair with restoring an old Aga stove.
Awesome shop, Awesome woman behind the jump, who admits to working solely to fuel her travel addiction, and even then "the travel is all about the food"
Make a day of it and head up to Kallista and say hello, and find out what she REALLY thinks of people who scornfully as her "How do you make money from THIS?"
yeh ive been up there a couple of times. love the pre WW2 cook books - french food for english women etc. too funny
What a find! I've subscribed to the blog - hopefully that'll sustain me until I'm able to visit the shop. :-)
Just lovely.
However, I am waiting for your thoughts about "Briards at Kepala".
Baited breath mind you - I might just keel over if you don't mention briards soon. xx
((no pressure))
Thanks for the mention Ella, I'm really pleased I decided to open on a Sunday and also happened to open up 1/2 hour early - talk about serendipity! Loving your blog and looking forward to more.
Barbara (Vintage Cookbooks)
Hi Ella, glad to see you posting again. What a great find, you must have spent ages in there. SO love old cookbooks, the mustier the better. Am still searching for my elusive Summer edition of Bernard Kings Seasons cookbooks-anyone out there got one?
Oh my giddy aunt, heaven is to be found in Kallista? *Le swoon*
Oh, I would love this shop.
Hey, just want to say hi. I'm new here.
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