Take a bunch of fresh rosemary, still dewy and fragrant from being picked that morning, slice up a fennel bulb. Halve and bruise some lemon grass, help yourself to a goodly bunch of your neighbor's mint.. grown without pesticides. Lay these fragrant goodies in a baking tray and top liberally with organic garlic cloves (no need to skin them), a lemon ( from the tree in your back yard) quartered and a the same for an orange or two.
Buy the best leg of lamb you can afford. Mine was not organic, but it was local. Make lots of holes in it, and stuff each hole with either a) a piece of garlic, b) a sliver of anchovy fillet, c) some rosemary tips or d) some mint leaves.
Be random about it...
Add whatever vegies you picked up at the farmer's market...
Some new potatoes, a kumara, some vine tommies, some red onion, some red capsicum.
Add enough water to come 1/2 way up the side of the baking pan, and give the lamb a goodly splurt of local olive oil.
Cover in foil and bake in a wood fired oven (but a conventional would do as well) for 2 hours.
Drink and laugh with friends.
Uncover and give another 1/2 to crisp and brown.
Serve with oven warmed pitas to soak up the sauces.
You want Smell-O-Vision right now, don't you??!!
Ella, that was a fantastic wood fired oven roasted lamb. The meat was so juicy. The only complaint was that there wasn't more of it that I could take home with me in a doggy bag.
I can smell it from here. without the smell-o-vision.
Mmmmm, but *where* did you get fennel? Last time I looked (about 5 weeks) it wasn't to be had for love or money!
A random little grocer in Dromana.. I was looking for pomegranates, and he didn't have any of those, so I randomly threw in a fennel bulb!@!
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