So here's what I did. Par boiled some arborrio rice in fish stock (Thank godd for the freezer and last year's schnapper heads). Added some galangal and lemon juice. poured the whole shebang into an oven dish, layed on some more galangal and lemongrass.
Scored a 5kgs schnapper both sides and layed it on the bed of "risotto".

Bunged some lemon, galangal, ginger in the cavity, covered with some more lemongrass and a slurp of soy,

wrapped in foil and cooked in the outdoor oven for 1.5 hours.
Porcini were closer than you thought, we saw some at the Portsea General store a couple of days ago, bet they cost a bomb though. You must get really big snapper down your way, in my world, a 3kg 'pinkie' is a snapper, lol. Your Furry sounds like a decent fisherman. Like your treatment of them too, was your oven a bit less hot than the Vegout one?
Why didn't you drop in, love?!!!
We've been using our oven at Chez Fur for about 6 months now, and we know it's vagaries...it's hot spots and what exact colour the dome should glow, as to be at optimal cooking temp.
Furry and I are mad keen fisherfolk, and the schnapper are running HOT at the moment!
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