Saturday morning breakfast
We're early risers, Furry and I.. We gotta be. This weekend consists of 5 kids, 1 doing netball coaching, 2 playing basketball, 1 at her part time job.. a driving lesson for The Mouse, a haircut for Lima Bean, Master 17.5 has his Yr 12 Formal AND we're babysitting our beautiful "niece" Charli. (That's her up there, with Duckie)
Dogs to be walked, parks to be played in, roses to be pruned, Charli's to be snuggled...
So we needed some sustenance for all that parenting.
Furry, bless his hairy little toes, gets up to make us breakfast.
Sublime smells emanate from the kithchen,
The only reason we can get this window of opportunity is because teenaged kids can sleep for Africa, and not even the smell of frying bacon will rouse them before 11am.
Pasta Dura bread, thickly sliced and grilled, with avocado, a grilled field mushroom, crispy bacon, soft-yolked egg and a side of grilled keilbasa...
**insert sounds of heavenly choir**
AND... a bit of quick salsa on top.. take a couple of random heriloom tomatoes, chop roughly and heat until broken down. Add a goodly splash of balsamic vinegar and S&P to taste..
Now... off to harvest some fresh rosemary for tonights dinner....
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