Wednesday 24 March 2010

It's all about the cheese!

I am not a great wrap for my own birthday. I am MUCH happier giving than receiving. Furry and I rarely, if ever celebrated our wedding anniversary and my strong feelings on Valentine's Day are known here.

I'd much rather be up decorating YOUR cake until midnight, that celebrating my day. However, I think I missed my calling as an events planner, and LOVE planning the most minute detail of a do... but more about the pleasure of my guests than my own.

So I recently was treated to an AWESOMELY cheesey birthday bash, in which I had no input. I am such a control freak, that I actually found it quite difficult to have no input into the event.

The theme was "Indulgence", which as my nearest and dearest know, usually means something to do with food!

So, without further ado, here are the pics of my cheesy, indulgent birthday bash (complete with private chef flambe-ing, and rose petal-sprinkled private spa). The photos on my birthday dinner are here.


Jazz said...

How utterly loverly...

You deserve it. Happy belated birtday!

Tammois said...

Wow - what a lucky deity you are! :-) A very well-deserved feast, from the looks of it. Happy belated bday from me too! xxoo

Amy B. said...

CHEESE! happy birthday and yes, it is indeed all about cheese, Id eat anything with cheese on it!

Zoe said...

happy birthday, peeg. Looks like your subjects made worthy offerings!